Topgrading Books

Foolproof Hiring : Powerful, Proven Keys to Hiring High Performers
In this 7th book of the Topgrading series, real-world hiring challenges are addressed head-on:
- Candidates often mislead or conceal key information,
- Traditional reference checks provide little value,
- Interviews tend to be too brief and superficial,
- Verifying claims with former supervisors is nearly impossible, and
- Screening tools are easily manipulated by savvy applicants.

"Topgrading is the foundation of our hiring practices at Advantage Media. Brad Smart and Chris Mursau’s new book Foolproof Hiring brilliantly encapsulates the key concepts that can put your company on the fast track to hiring and retaining A Players."
Adam Witty
Founder & CEO of Advantage Media
“At Scaling Up we’ve coached thousands of entrepreneurs on best practices, and Topgrading has always been one of our pillars. With A Players on their team all the other Scaling Up methods work better. Foolproof Hiring is perfect – a quick read busy CEOs can absorb in a couple hours and implement right away, to avoid bad hires.”
Verne Harnish
Founder Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and author of Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)
“An excellent and timeless resource for CEOs and other leaders of high growth, middle market companies. Getting our people right is critical and not easy. Foolproof Hiring has proven tools to significantly improve your hiring effectiveness, and overall, approach managing your talent more strategically.”
Ethan Martin
President and Head Coach, PFD Group, Inc.
Topgrading : 3rd Edition
The success of any organization hinges on its talent. The more A Players you have, the more successful your company will be. In the 3rd edition of Topgrading, you’ll gain insight into the details of how the proven system has helped companies, both large and small, consistently hire high performers.
By implementing the Topgrading process, hundreds of organizations have tripled their success in hiring A Players. This method is not only more effective but also faster and easier than traditional hiring processes, making it invaluable for filling roles at all levels. If your interest is in the predictive analytics and data-driven decision making for hiring, Topgrading is for you.

"The book Topgrading is the most important book I’ve read. The Topgrading professional assessments helped me create a terrific top team, and after all our managers were trained, they all improved their success hiring high performers. Our stock performance shows it."
Jon Boscia
CEO, Lincoln Financial (retired)

Topgrading For Sales
Brad Smart and Greg Alexander have boiled down the key Topgrading concepts to a pithy 112 pages while focusing on the unique needs of sales managers and sales directors. Greg took the 12th of 14 sales regions of EMC to #1 in only one year.
Topgrading for Sales takes the guesswork out of hiring by teaching readers how to interview systematically for A-level talent instead of relying on hunches.